Be Able To Resolve Any Life Problem, On The Spot! I just led a group call sharing all the amazing changes that have happened to monthly members in the past year, and how YOU can also share in that same energy, and rise with them. I know life can be extremely...
Dr. Yuen's Memorial Recorded Live – Listen Below Thank you to all the members who shared their heartfelt stories, and all the unconditional love that poured in. If you were not able to join live, please share your comments below on how Dr. Yuen changed the...
You Are Invited! Press Play (Only 30 seconds) Dr. Yuen's 82nd Birthday! Recorded live on Wednesday, March 10th! In celebration of growing young together and living beyond your infinite potential! THANK YOU for everyone's amazing heartfelt energy and all the birthday...
If You Are In an Unhappy Marriage, or Can't Find Mr. or Mrs. Right, This Is For YOU! Watch Now! This 5-minute video clip is from a live membership call I led last month where members were spontaneously sharing (no script) and expressing from our hearts! Real People...
It's Time to Make the Impossible, POSSIBLE – ON THE SPOT! There is no battle you can't WIN! Think about something you want, yet feel it's impossible. Press Play – “FEEL Marnie Chi” (Only 36 seconds) Sing this tune along with me as you listen. There Is No...
Are You Stressed Out & Exhausted? Feeling Old or Overweight? Watch this Video Now! “Press Play – “FEEL Marnie Chi” (Only 20 Seconds) Leave me a comment below about how this energy makes you feel and you will receive 100X the Strengthening Effect! Based on my #1...