Delete Viruses & Neurological Pain
On The Spot!

Happy 2021!

I just led an incredible New Year's training call for my monthly members.

As a New Year's Gift, I am sharing some of the highlights with you.


Simply because I unconditionally love you, and truly want you to be happy, healthy, and wealthy in 2021!

2020 was a year like no other!

Due to the world pandemic, it was extremely stressful and overwhelming.

However, I am so proud of you for making it through the toughest year in history!!!

Physical pain, viruses, and life-threatening symptoms can strike you out of nowhere.

On the call, Danya, who joined my monthly membership group last month shared that she rushed to Urgent Care when she broke out in Shingles.

She joined Marnie’s Monthly Membership and her Shingles were GONE!!

No Rash, No Pain, No Nothing – GONE … Without having to take medicine!

This is a clip taken from Marnie’s LIVE Monthly Membership Call.

How is this possible?

Watch this video as Marnie teaches how to use the Yuen Method Geometric Figures to Delete Physical Pain and Stress on the Spot!

As synchronicity has it, while Danya was sharing her story, her phone rang – Listen to Marnie's insightful intervention as she tracks the real reasons, causes, sources of her virus.

If you have children, and/or grandchildren with anxiety or relationship hardships, this is a MUST WATCH!

Press Play

Danya's Success Story

Again, I just have to gush!! My body is so happy. Thank you soooooo much for offering your Yuen Method to the world. 

I needed to share because I am beyond awe, thrilled, mystified and grateful! 

Shingles showed up on December 27th. I went to Urgent Care due to the excruciating pain in my kidney area, which was preventing me from sleeping. I thought it might be a Kidney stone, but what a surprise to discover I was diagnosed with Shingles.  

The compassionate doctor prescribed anti-viral meds, painkillers and a topical pain relief medication. 

I appreciated knowing what was causing the severe pain and discomfort, but I was reluctant to dive in and consume all the pills he suggested. 

It was not my intention to be purposefully rebellious or irresponsible, I just had a feeling that the Shingles had shown up to point at a deeper issue that I had been neglecting or refusing to acknowledge. 

When I got home, I went to bed and listened to December’s Activation call. 

Within 20 minutes, the intense pain went from an 8 to a 2. It reduced enough to allow me to sleep. 

I woke up to about a 6. Not discouraged, I listened to the call again, and the No COVID bonus call. I was amazed that the discomfort diminished to the sensation of a sunburn, which I gather is pretty much unheard of. 

Today, after listening to an Activation 2x per day, I have no pain, the rash has almost disappeared, and I did not experience any of the intense itching. Again, highly improbable from a med. 

The doctor warned me, that if I did not take the anti-viral medication, that I might have residual neuralgic pain for months. Bless his heart, he was just offering me the information he had been taught. However, I felt I had more integrative information and an inner knowing that pulled me toward a different treatment. 

I am so grateful to you both for introducing me to my Inner Intelligence, because it lovingly guided me to trust myself and the process you have been teaching. 

Thank you, thank you, thank you!! 


My personal issue that I sent to Marnie for the membership call was about finances. However, I was feeling pain in my hips at the beginning of the call and when you addressed that area, in the Activation, many memories and pictures arose, mostly related to the ‘right to have’ and speaking up. That seemed to be the theme in my body as the call continued. Since the call, I have been able to initiate two separate conversations where I had needed to be honest about what is really true for me. Thank you!

I am in awe at how quickly the energy shifts, and the feeling of strength settles into my core. 

This has been a year of challenging limitations. I have almost totally overcome Agoraphobia, which I was told would never happen without drugs. I am confident that I will be totally free in 2021! Grandmaster Yuen and Master Marnie, my very merry thanks to you! 

At the end of the December call, you encouraged everyone to listen daily to the recording so that the process could deepen and clear everything. 

I have participated 4 times so far with the December Activations call. 

Each session I have discovered more, recognizing more and have been shown the root of some very deep issues, even though I became aware, that knowing the “cause” of an imbalance was definitely not necessary. 

However, seeing the origins, seemed to anchor the energetic shifts in my body in a unique and profound way for me.   

I cannot explain the process to another….not the how it works? Why it works? What you do? But I have experienced unmistakable change and feelings of remembering something like a truth, long forgotten! You have offered me the ultimate gift this Holiday (or any season).

With deep gratitude,
Danya K. 

The Most Frequently Asked Questions We Get Are …

– How can I delete my pain and stress on the spot?

– How can I help my loved ones that are not well?

– Is it easy?

– Will it work for me?

In my courses, I teach you the essential life-saving techniques, so that you can learn to use the Yuen Method for yourself, family, and friends.

These skills are invaluable for protection, prevention, and ultimate defense.

You’ve heard me say it so many times, but I will repeat it again – Everything and anything in life is reversible, and can be accomplished with effortless ease!

Not a Monthly Member?


Learn How to Activate Your Insight, and
Delete Stress and Pain on the Spot!

Don't Miss Out on the Upcoming Live Membership Call!

Here is What You Will Receive:

– 50% Off the Level 1 Course (SAVE $497)

– Your First Month of Membership Free (VALUE $97)
  Submit your personal question or issue to Marnie

Special Bonus! (VALUE $47):
  Coronavirus Self-Strengthening and Deletion Activation

– Marnie & Dr. Yuen Have Joined Forces ​-
  You Will Receive “Double the Chi” (PRICELESS)

Get this Special Promotion Now!
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Dr. Liam Sullivan Stone

Yes, definitely.
Aloha from Texas,
Dr. Liam Stone


No children, but conflict is diminishing with my oldest sister. I’m not as triggered. More to go! Thanks Marnie.