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Ultimate Rejuvenation
12-Part Audio Program
FIRST Monthly Membership Call FREE
($97 VALUE)
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Pre-Program Your Life for
Health, Wealth & Happiness
4-Part Audio Program
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($97 VALUE)
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Thanks to everyone who participated LIVE!
Quick overview of the call …
I took 3 live callers with various types of problems and resolved them on the spot.
CALLER 1. Claudia expressed that she hasn’t worked in few years and will soon be looking for her DREAM JOB. She wants a job she loves that fully uses her skills. She also had tinnitus and sensitivity in her heart.
After the deletions, Claudia said, “I feel much better and a sense of energy radiating up and down my body. I feel more excited, rather than dreading … so that’s brilliant! The stitch in my heart is gone!”
If you want a new fulfilling career – listen to this replay now!
CALLER 2. Anita said she is battling weight loss, and has hungry urges that make her feel she is eating more than she should.
After I identified and deleted her weaknesses, Anita said, “Some food just dinged ready for me, and I feel like I could take it or leave it – I’m not running towards it!”
If you want to lose weight – listen to this replay now!
CALLER 3. Veronica was having problems with her landlord and her living situation, and was overwhelmed with clutter in her house.
At the end, she said “I feel more at peace about what’s about to happen and excited about my future.”
If you resonate with these same problems, you will feel improvement just by listening … How easy is that?
It’s time to DELETE your belief that this is IMPOSSIBLE, and MAKE IT POSSIBLE, on the spot!
If you are asking the question …
Will this work for me?
The answer is YES! You just have to be open.
It does not matter how serious your problem is, every condition is reversible!
01:45:37 M Mo: “From my Heart, I would like to share that I joined Marnie’s monthly membership & then the 6-Month Personal Intensive. I worried about spending money & I can verify that several Lucrative Opportunities have come to me … even BEFORE the first call … I know it was Marnie setting this in motion … EXCITED to ride this 6-month wave … the changes are so smooth/easy!! See you there!!!!”
02:05:50 Tarini: “I’m also in Marnie’s monthly membership and signed up for the 6- Month Intensive. My life has gotten exponentially better. Thank you so much Marnie!”
Messenger: L. Gauvin: “Hi Marnie, I am so impressed by your “Magic Words” – While I was listening to the lady with shoulder pain, I joined my pain to hers, and I felt the healing. Every time I listen to you, I have in mind the phrase “There is nothing irreversible.” Thank You – Big hug!”
This transformation happens immediately, on the spot, simply by locating and deleting the previously unknown causes and the exact hidden weaknesses that created the problem in the first place.
If you want the same results … be sure to listen to the end as I also discuss how to resolve your pain and stress in this month’s Brand New Monthly Membership Program.
My Membership Program Includes the Following:
- Submit Your Personal Problem Every Month
- August 29th Next LIVE Call!
- Each month is on a different topic.
- Self-Strengthening and Deletion Activations:
A new set of daily protocols that are designed to have a powerful impact on how the rest of your day unfolds, ensuring you remain strong rather than falling apart when problems arise, stressful situations confront you, one after the next, unexpected events blindside you or important decisions you have to make leave you uncertain as to what course of action you should now take.
You will be able to listen to each month’s protocols on a daily basis, or whenever you feel the need. This is the tool you need to reset, reprogram, and restart your internal computer on a regular basis, allowing you to move forward with strength, neutrality, self-acceptance, certainty, balance and stability when faced with challenges that are inevitable in our daily lives.
Join Here: Monthly Membership Program
Here Are Just a Few of the Testimonials We Received After the Previous Monthly Membership Call …
Realizing the ways that I have given my power away to others by taking their opinion over checking with my own insight for heavy or light is a big thing! You did talk about that. Strengthening my own power also helps me perceive all kinds of positive changes I have in my body and the clearness of insight. By putting myself back in my life, I feel the big changes and I like it! Fears are melting away – making room for creativity, humor and so much more. Thank you for dissolving the blind spots. This puts new meaning to the word “choice”.
Judy W.
At a loss for words of what is taking place. Marnie is more than just a mentor; she is truly exemplifying a whole lot of extraordinary capabilities that we all ought to claim for ourselves and other fellow residents of this material plane.
Jørgen L.
Overall, I have been able to go more with the flow and allow things to develop; this has had an amazing effect on my life. It's actually hard to let go sometimes, but I keep surprising myself when I do. Good things seem to keep happening. And you were right when you said, “we'll have more problems, but we'll able to re-route more quickly.” I am learning to re-route and just allow the right decisions to happen in the next moment. Also, learning to have the right amount of patience, and moving forward. Incredible journey to be this aware. Scary at times, but super surreal at the same time.
C. L.
I officially got my job! I never realized how much making decisions affected my well-being. Now, I feel so much better!! Thank you!!
C. B.
I feel calmer, and more determined.
Carina H.
Omg!!! I felt amazing shifts during the call, and really resonated with other people’s issues. I loved, loved, loved the use of the geometrics in the figures! I could feel the exponential and fractal effects multi-dimensionally! After the call, the next morning I awoke for the first time in weeks, with TONS of energy and lightness! I hadn't realized how “full and weighted down” I had become!!! Amazing!! And I wanted to mention that after the June call that I was not on for live, and still have not listened to – my RASH is almost ALL GONE!!! It’s gotten better and better, and there is only slight discoloration under both arms and one tiny red spot under my breast!!! Yahoo!!!
Thank you, Thank You, Thank You!”
Trish B.
I can actually feel my body wanting to slim down. Today, I felt comfortable wearing shorts!
Carol A.
I felt calmer during the call on Wednesday, and lighter during the activation. After I woke up this morning, my mind was going around and around and when I played the “Activation – Insight! Making the Right Decisions/Choices/Actions.” I felt so much better!
Caroline M.
After the call, I got very clear insight about which man could be good for an intimate relationship.
Even before the call I felt stronger about making decisions. I could tell you were already strengthening me. I appreciated the addiction octagon for my alcohol addiction.
Christie G.
I feel like my insight is stronger and clearer.
Dia C.
I wrote in yesterday about a burning sensation in my ankle – it has totally gone today – you are amazing, thank you!
Diane H.
I just listened again to the full July recording. I just love it. It's the best. Again, I felt the strengthening and deletions, and your love. Wow, you are so very thorough. It's like you detail our lives, like someone details cars! Every issue in every corner of our lives gets addressed. Thank you so very much!!!
Elle W.
Since the body rejuvenation calls, I have noticed significant improvement in the texture of my skin – it was very dry and flaking, and it is now more smooth, soft, and hydrated. I often feel there are soooo many gratitude’s for the experiences I am going through considering that your program is helpful on many levels. Thank you!
Thanks for the July program. I enjoyed very much the explanation, and I also feel that my perception and intuition is sharper.
During the call, I felt a fogginess lift that I wasn't aware that I had. I felt more confident in making future decisions. I felt lighter after the call.
Ginny R.
The call felt powerful and my insight is stronger, more spot on.
Helena G.
This call was the best ever. I have been pretty discouraged about my life … I actually felt stronger after the call with renewed positivity about the future. Big hug and thank you!
Jill H.
As always, an informative and enjoyable listening experience. My awareness always locks on to points Marnie makes that seem to illuminate the mind. In other words, I get lots of ‘ah-ha' moments.
John H.
I became extremely restful and relaxed and fell asleep for a few minutes. Much pent up old energy was being released, a ton. A lot of weight off my shoulders. Became very light in my body … new energy coursing through my body.
John K.
Thank you, Marnie, for such an excellent call! You covered so many areas that I felt on the call. Your energy was so strong and I always love how strong and clear I feel during/after the call. I really appreciate all you do. I am listening to the calls every day as I find they really help. Things are improving. I'm excited to see how creativity expands. I am more at peace about finances, thank you for all of that strengthening.
I look forward to each call. Thank you!
Julie D.
I listened to the call and felt for the first time, that my midline was actually being strengthened with the activations. It was pretty cool. I feel more grounded in my body, and present. I also felt like you were addressing all my issues after the activation during the call. Money, abundance, what to do with my career, getting more clients etc. Everything career wise and money wise feels more open and hopeful. During the past year now that I have been working with you and the different programs, I feel more neutral and clear.
Karen J.
What I have been noticing these past weeks is greater freedom from worries in general. I have been sharing a place in England with another colleague for over a month now and we have gotten along very well. In the past I would have worried and stressed out about all sorts of things and what I would say, and now there is so much more ease in my dealings with people in general. I find I am not obsessing about small details like I used to.
I was planning to get a divorce as dark energies were working through my husband, but it’s almost like a miracle now because he is clear of dark energies and is being kind again
I really felt a shift in assisting my children in making their own choices, and feeling more in control of themselves. It was an insight that I had consciously just a day before I listened to the recording of the July call, which I wasn't able to be on live. Wow! Again – this stuff works so strongly! I had this insight about empowering my oldest especially, deleted a bunch of stuff from my own childhood and now with the things spoken about and the mom and son on your website Blog, I feel stronger to making choices and actions to get out of her way! We've also had insights around how to connect her with a group to get her what she wants from her relationships. I can see where I get stronger with people at large. I literally make room for her to have friends and be less lonely. I also heard you loud and clear with regard to our big relocation, about the universe's timing and just making sure everything is strong together, and to be patient too, but not to stall or be afraid. Also, feeling much stronger to attracting our right and perfect sitter after the call! And the pet telepathic communication strength is so essential and so helpful! Especially with our new neighbors really bark-y dog!
Kathryn B.
I have been able to be clear with someone that I did not wish to be in a relationship with and end that. I have chosen two courses to study about investing in property & currencies. I have created having people contact me for healing sessions and they are really receiving & loving the work that I do. I am noticing more & more an amazing flow building in my life where everything is just working out in the best possible way, and more importantly, I am trusting that more & allowing it, rather than pushing to create things in any particular way.
Feeling less protective – skin clearer – feeling calm and clearer.
Laurie G.
Wow! You blasted through so Clear & Powerfully! And I was ready for this call, and worked-it as you were clearing. It felt like I was INVINCIBLE! I love the expansion of these calls. I WANT TO LIVE EVERY MOMENT FEELING THAT WAY!
Maria M.
I feel more neutral on my choices, and that's good!
I want to start by saying that I'm so grateful that my friend told me about your program! So much is happening with me right now … Since I joined your program, I worked every day with your activations, and I feel a very strong shift in my body, and most of all, mentally.
I notice that the amusing mockingbird who used to make a game of coming into my pool area through once-broken enclosure screens and who splits his days between my & my neighbor’s properties, now visits my property more often ever since you strengthened my land and he ACTUALLY HOPS AROUND ON THE LAWN NOW which he’s NEVER DONE BEFORE. Honestly, Marnie, this is just too uncanny. Until now, he only ever used to sit on top of things—like my pool enclosure, my bushes, the fence, the roof, etc. Proof that even this bird senses the energy shift that you made to my property!!! How cool is that?
Marta M.
I’m getting clearer on my life decisions.
Mary R.
In general, I notice my eyesight is now very clear, near and far!!! Thank you. I have been decisive about choices that I need to make.
General update on things you have been strengthening:
My Retinal scans on July 30th show the pressure on the optic nerve is now almost normal!!!
I felt less anxious about the future. This call seemed made for me – every issue seemed relevant. I am grateful for a greater sense of inner peace it has brought me. Starting a new creative career, dealing with a declining husband – 13 years and counting, and making money effortlessly or at least having a new source of money for a secure future, for new creative work and, hopefully, for philanthropic projects – all these seem more doable.”
I've noticed since this July call, I make up my mind much faster than before. I guess I never paid attention to how long it would take for me to decide on something, but I can tell the difference now. Regarding money/finances: I've been noticing that I don't spend as much money as I did before, which is great (when I had money in my purse, I always had the feeling I had to spend it right away). I'm still replaying the audio every day so I sense money coming my way, woohoo! And also to be wise with the way I spend it. On another topic, (relationships): my best friend was married for less than a year before the husband cheated on her with a mutual friend, my bf was devastated but got over it, and she recently found out the ex-husband is now marrying that girl he was cheating with. I asked my friend how did she feel about it and she said she felt angry, disappointed, jealous etc., so on my drive back home I played the relationship audio and really focused on my bf's central cord. The day after, I called to see how she felt and it was AWESOME! She told me the change was ‘incredible,’ she would think about her ex and she didn't feel any emotions, so once again, woohooo!! She also mentioned having neck pain, which she blamed on a car accident, but after the replay for relationships, even the pain went away and she felt lots of energy, and much happier. I also want to report that I feel much more neutral in every way. My boyfriend recently received bad news regarding his sister, and when he told me the news I did not feel one thing, everyone was very worried, anxious about the news but I remained neutral and didn't feel that thing in my stomach I normally felt when receiving bad news. I also played the relationship audio and focused on my bf's family (mom, dad, him and sister) and all of them also noticed the difference, they feel much more calm and centered. I have to say, I am very thrilled to see changes manifesting and know that more positive changes will come. Thank you so much Marnie, for spreading this knowledge that allows us to improve our lives in every way.
Olga N.
I wrote you regarding a great deal of relationship pain and stress, and moving on short notice. The change was incredible. I had so much energy to move … I stayed focused … the communication with my partner radically shifted. We are in our new home now and it’s amazing. Life if fuller in ways I have never imaged. Thank you so much!
Tarini B.
Well, this is interesting. After the group session, I have noticed my insight and decision-making becoming pretty much effortless. I feel signals my insight is providing more clearly, and there is no struggle in making comparisons between strong/ weak signals.
A. H.
I was able to be more DECISIVE and able to sense if my boundaries are being invaded or violated even with my closest of friends or business associates! My relationship with my husband has improved – so far we're able to communicate better! Thank you.
V. C.
Thank you so much for the super call. It has been such a relief.
Y. A.
My husband is writing amazing!! He is totally in the zone.
Laurie H.
I just purchased the recordings for Feb (Relationships) and March (Finances) – Yesterday I clearly and neutrally made a decision and honestly responded with a ‘no' to an unrealistic request from my dad. I was genuinely fine with however he might respond, that it wasn't about me anymore. A previous guy I'd dated also showed up yesterday via email and let me know he'd be in my area. I clearly responded to his communication in a positive yet neutral way, and the wisdom for myself was that seeing him would not support me or my big picture. So, I'm looking at making relationship decisions based on long-term commitment, love and respect, etc. which comes from ultimately my self-value, self-trust, self-respect, and honoring my life's big picture. I want to 100% expect this from myself, and a man. That there are men out there with this high-level quality, integrity and standards. This is the direction I'm committed to. Since this decision-making topic call, I'm definitely moving in the right direction and making decisions accordingly. Thank you, Marnie! Much, much love, blessings and gratitude!
Christiene R.
Relief! Thank you. You nailed all the obstacles standing in my way (or me standing in my own way). I feel good, regarding getting clients for my business.
Teri S.
Good news, love is excellent, and my voice is great lately!
Josefina D.