Accomplish In 1 Year, What Takes Most People 10 Years

You are now a few weeks into 2020 – WooHoo!!

How is your New Year/New Decade going so far?

I know you want to Create More Abundance and Financial Freedom, spending time doing what you love!

I’m in your life to assist you Make this a Reality!!

If you want to feel a huge Boost of Abundance – Watch this video below!

Especially if you hate your job, feel stuck, burned out, or have problems with your boss or co-workers.

In this video, I share with you how easy it is to delete hidden blocks so that you can skyrocket your income with ease and joy.

Inae shares her story how she was able to close almost 2 million in sales last year and since January 1st, close $500,000 in one sale with effortless ease!

And by the way, the side effect of Inae's financial success was that her agonizing pain from a fractured shoulder quickly disappeared, and she regained full rotation and range of movement in her arm/shoulder.

Watch this quick video so that YOU can do the same thing!!

As you watch – simply repeat to yourself:

“If Inae can do it,
so can I!!!

Watch Now

Be sure to listen to the last 5 minutes!
 Find out how you can improve your mom,
partner, siblings, and include all your loved ones.

Please leave your comments below.
I would love to hear how this video makes you feel!

A Message From Inae

“I joined the regular monthly group calls about a year and half ago for a fractured shoulder pain. The Results were Impeccable! I have full 100% healed movement and no pain!! Marnie rocks!!!!

I decided to join the Lifestyle Mastery calls and learn more because I felt financially stuck in my job for 10 years. I did not know what to do for work. Marnie and the Group supported me, not only every step of the way, but abundantly! This group and the corrections not only feels good, supportive and stress relieving, but I receive unconditional LOVE from beautiful neutral souls!!!! The vibration is so high – it is the purest form of love. We don’t know each other personally, but we are so connected in source energy!

I found a career to invest in. I went back to school and found a program with plenty of job opportunities in Florida. I am currently working full time. My sales have SOARED with Marnie’s help!

I sold a little under $2,000,000 by the end of December ($1,858,000). My sales goal was $2,000,000 and none of my team members got even close to my numbers. It’s now January 6th, and with effortless ease, I am already at $530,000 with Marnie’s help. I am working on a $1,500,000 sale of a Diamond and Emerald Necklace and want to wait for this to conclude so I can receive commission and quit. I already surpassed my calculated savings goals for not working while in school for 2 years.

If you want speed in your life goals, the Lifestyle Mastery is the best investment!

I was stuck for over 10 years, and moved so fast in approximately 1 year with Marnie and the group!

I received so much more, these are just highlights!

So much more financially, mentally, emotionally, physically and not to mention all the progress and corrections for my family and loved ones! We are together and need to move forward together!!

Amazing Marnie, Team and Group! Love you dearly!

Thank you!”


What Do You Want to Accomplish In the Next 10 Years

Ready to Make It Happen In 
1 Year?  

Let’s Go!

Don't Miss Out on the Upcoming Live Membership Call!

Join Marnie's Monthly Membership

Real People! Real Results!

Consistent results for everyone in the world!

If you are in my monthly membership program …

I look forward to connecting with you and exponentially speeding up your dreams into reality!  

As Inae said, “I feel like I can pretty much do anything.” 

I’m watching over you, and will assist you to continually delete your blocks so that You Rock This Year!! 


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Hi Marnie and Team,
Thank you for this special video.
I felt Inaes clarity and strength in this video. Her progress is amazing and for her family too! I also felt her determination to achieve her goals for herself and her loved ones, which became their reality!
I know I can do this too!
Thank you again for all you do and for Inaes video validating that strengthening and deletion really assists us in improving ourselves and our families. I will continue this method for these reasons.
Suzanne S


Hi Suzanne,
Thank you for your kind words!
Yes you can do this, we all can. I think once we have been exposed to the possibilities of removing blocks, there is no turning back. I feel like I am finally living to my full potential! Sending love and strength your way were ever you need it!!!


You are amazing, thank you so much! The changes I have had from the monthly membership calls positioned me infinitely ahead! I closed the year with some unexpected huge sales! I also won my lawsuit that had been ongoing for years – wow – you deleted all the blocks and it was truly amazing how the judge ruled in my favor!! My lower back pain that I had for over 10 years is gone. You are a Game Changer for us. Can’t wait for the upcoming call – I agree with Inae, “Life Keeps Getting Better”. Thank you Inae! You… Read more »


Thank you so much Sally! I am feeling the love and sending lots of it your way!

Gary Moore

Hi Fellow Groupies!
Loved seeing Inae’s joy and enthusiasm. The one thing that resonated with me is she mentioned having a clear goal, and as soon as you do know what you want you can “run with it.” Let’s all be clear in our desires and the more clear we can be, the faster it will come to us. Strength in knowing what is best for us and let it come! Let’s make it happen for us all!


Hi Anne,
Thank you for your note! Yes, having a clear goal is all we need and then take off with the speed of the corrections!
Sending strength your way!!!


Thank you Marnie, Team, Group and Everyone! I feel really sweet inside and will keep you posted on my progress. Sending you all unconditional love and support for all that is important to you!


Thank you Marnie! I’m feeling the love :))))))
lots of love to everyone!

Theresa Maltais

What a gracious & beautiful lady.
“If Inea can do it .. so can I”
Very Sweet! Thank you


Thank you so much Theresa! That is so sweet to hear. I am so glad to be in this group with such lovely souls like yours! You bet you can do it! Sending no blocks your way!


Thank you for doing what you do Marnie. I would love to be able to facilitate sessions and help people like you do.


What a kind beautiful aura Inae has. This video has delivered a strong and powerful message “I can doing anything!!”
Four very powerful words that have so much meaning and strength behind them. I feel stronger inside myself from having watched this video. Thank you Inae and Marnie :)


Hi Asheleigh,
Thank you so much for your super sweet message!
You are on the right track! We can only move forward with Marnie and the group calls!


Thank You so much for sharing Inae’s video! Love Marnie how you worked on her physical pain as she manifested financial abundance with ease…EASE that was key for me!

Today that’s exactly what I desire: Manifest TOTAL HEALTH with EASE as I feel that for 13 years I have been struggling just to ‘survive’ in my physical body.

If Inae DID IT, I CAN too!!! Yeahhh! ?

Thanks Marnie ?? ?


Hi Isa,
Thank you so much!
You can certainly manifest anything you want with this method. There are several people on the Mastery calls that overcame a lot of complicated health issues and overcame it!


Dear Marnie and Inae, What an amazing video! Inae is radiantly courageous and confident with integrity and willingness to follow the guidance of her inner knowing. She is so much at ease and in the flow and her trust in and receptivity to Marnie’s directions and support are an inspiration to all. The fact that Inae was selling high-end jewelry with such success sparked my attention . Having been a goldsmith for many years I am now focusing on selling my late jewelry partner’s collection of handmade 22k gold jewels. She was a master goldsmith dedicated to creating jewelry in… Read more »

inae kortz

Dear Win, What an amazing note! Thank you so much for all the compliments, I am so honored! My job is to fall in love with what you do and point it out to clients the unique art of craftsmanship. I will certainly work on you and synch , our talents for abundant sales for you! This 22 k handmade collection sounds dreamy! Wow! We can exchange emails on the mastery call on Wednesday, I would love to see the pieces! Clearing for attracting the right clients, someone to invest on the entire collection even, location , presentation, timing, no… Read more »

William Gordon Jr

Hi there Inae! After watching your video, it has given me strong inspiration and self-esteem to apply these Yuen Method Corrections and long that anything is possible that can be achieved in one year rather than 10 or 20 years, and I have a talent in drawing, and I love drawing and after watching your video I know applying these Corrections and deleting all the blocks so I can make money coming into my direction from using my artistic talent which runs in the family on my mom’s side. Sure I have a bit of doubt that this is possible,… Read more »